Amazing Loot Grind app good for
Horribly simple, terribly addictive! Great little game and totally free!
Its so cool I cant stop. But I cant evolve fast Im at all uncommon and 3 rare and I only get common
Its nice to have a game that gives you a break from grinding the same level of a game over and over and just jumps straight to rewards.
It would be nice to be able to have more than 1 character tho, and be able to have a screen to view your character with all that sweet gear.
At level 66305 Male Rouge with 1 heroic, 1 epic, 5 legendary and 5 peerless!
I dont know why this game is so fun, As soon as I pick it up its almost impossible to put down!!
I love this game! I think it could become really popular! Keep up the good work!
Some bad moments
This game came up with a 4.9 rating in response to an iPhone search for best iOS idle games. Poor instruction, little feedback, and wait, you just tap once and maybe sell? Or equip? With no no noticeable effect on anything? I dont get it, deleted in 5 mins.
Converting the core mechanics of the "loot grind" aspect of an RPG into a standalone game isnt engaging or enjoyable - sorry. Nor does it make me reconsider the genre. Character progression abstractions like stats and equipment are nothing but meaningless numbers without abstractions of external challenges to test them against (enemies with their own stats, situational rolls against PC stats to determine success/failure, etc).
Clicker/idle RPGs are a guilty pleasure of mine. This is very addictive, I have not really noticed receiving all that much better loot from watching ads however. This is a great time waster.
I laughed and laughed when I heard the concept for this game. But when I tried it, I found it actually works. Its pure mindless fun. Love the retro styling and the sheer audacity. More please!
While the idea of a loot grind distilled down to its most basic form can be appealing, the biggest problem is that the actual chance of progressing from the 2nd or 3rd tier out of 7 is extremely low. We are talking hours of tapping on a chest to possibly find one better item.
It doesnt really seem like having better items increases the loot potential. Likewise, its advertised that watching ads would max these chances for better loot but Ive tried many many times and I still only get hundreds of common items.
Lastly, theres very little reward. No unlockables, no way to use the gold collected, nothing except a number on the screen being slightly higher with no consequence.
If the game felt like there was actual progression and a decent reward system, it would be great.
A polished game complete with tons of different loot names/sprites to look at, unique visual and audio flair for each chest you open thats uncommon or better, and an unobtrusive, rewarding watch-an-ad option. Oh, and Game Center achievements! Its clear that the developer did not flake out on any aspect of this great little game.